Why CheckerTrader?

  • Peace of mind: CheckerTrader is here to provide you with peace of mind that the contractor you choose is who they say they are, is qualified (where applicable), can prove their reputation, and are happy to be held accountable for their work! You can see the list of our checks right here.
  • Free to use: Use our simple search engine anytime for free! No gimmicks. No catches—no need to sign up.
  • You’re in control: The CheckerTrader review process lets you share your experiences of excellent workmanship and also allows you to hold the contractor accountable if you're not satisfied.
  • Support local: Our search engine geolocates the closest contractors to you to support local businesses.

CheckerTrader members are fully vetted and proud to stand by their work.

Before being accepted as a member, they must pass our stringent checks, which include:

  • Interview: We conduct a face to face interview with every potential member to help us determine whether they're the right fit for CheckerTrader.
  • Proof of address: Every member has provided us with valid proof of residence, e.g., utility bill or similar.
  • ID Checks: : Every member has provided us with a valid copy of their identification, e.g., Driver's License, ID book, or passport.
  • Accreditations/Qualifications: Not every trade requires accreditations or qualifications, so you may not see this on every profile you come across. However, any that you do see have been checked and verified by CheckerTrader.
  • References: Not every trade requires accreditations or qualifications, so you may not see this on every profile you come across. However, any that you do see have been checked and verified by CheckerTrader.
  • Public Liability Insurance: All of our members are required to hold valid public liability insurance to ensure that you and your property are protected. We need each member to submit an updated copy of their public liability schedule annually.

And as a show of good faith, every member agrees to sign our code of ethics:

The CheckerTrader Code of Ethics.

Each CheckerTrader member that you find on our site has promised to:

  • Be honest and courteous in any communication with you
  • Be honest and courteous in any communication with you
  • Be upfront about call-out fees before visiting.
  • Inform you immediately if they are unable to do the work
  • Be punctual and keep appointments (rescheduling if necessary).
  • Respond to phone messages in a reasonable time
  • Offer a realistic timeline for starting and completing work.
  • Keep you updated on the progress of the work being completed.
  • Create a separate contract for any variations from the original agreement.
  • Handle any complaints promptly in a professional manner.
  • Never demand payment in cash.
  • Never behave in an abusive or threatening way.

Online customer reviews are an integral part of the CheckerTrader process. Our members agree that all honest reviews received from customers can be published online, both good and bad.

Online customer reviews are an integral part of the CheckerTrader process. Our members agree that all honest reviews received from customers can be published online, both good and bad.

We encourage you to contact us regarding your experiences with our CheckerTrader members. Your comments are important and essential to creating a transparent and useful platform for all users. Your review will help us to build a more accurate picture of how our members conduct business and the quality of their workmanship.

So what happens if you are let down by a CheckerTrader member?

  • Initially, we encourage you to try to find a solution directly with the contractor.
  • If that is unsuccessful, we will contact the contractor ourselves
  • It is important to note that CheckerTrader intends to remain impartial.
  • We will only assist with complaints about active members regarding work from the date of their membership commencing.
  • The complaint must be made within 24 months from the date the work was completed.
  • We may ask for evidence of the work carried out before we publish the complaint.
  • We will not publish anonymous or 3rd party comments.
  • The comment will remain unpublished if court action is taking place. We require proof via stamped court order before we proceed.
  • If you receive a satisfactory outcome to your issue, you'll be given a chance to re-submit your review.
  • CheckerTrader aims to respond to all complaints within 48 hours.
  • Published complaints will not show customer details (e.g., name, etc.).
  • CheckerTrader reserves the right to edit comments for length, spelling, or clarity. We will not publish abusive language.

No, it is entirely free to make use of the CheckerTrader website. There are no hidden fees, and we do not sell leads or contractor information.

  • Simply type in the service that you require in the search bar and a list of vetted members will show up in the results based on your location.
  • Our vetting and monitoring systems make sure that every business listed completes work to a high standard.
  • The reviews on each company's profile will demonstrate how each contractor has performed in key areas such as timekeeping and courtesy.
  • You can select those that appeal to you and arrange to receive quotes.
  • You make the ultimate decision between the contractors, enjoying the peace of mind that you are choosing a business that has made itself accountable to the public.

  • We have set the default search option to be listed by distance as we encourage the use of local contractors.
  • However, there is a drop-down option to refine your search by 'review score,' 'distance,' 'date joined' etc.
  • The score is visible on each member's profile.

  • While we are trying very hard to get to every area across South Africa, it's kind of a big place! Why not suggest a contractor and help us grow! Email us at info@checkertrader.co.za.
  • CCheckerTrader is a tool for every South African to collectively celebrate the great tradespeople that this country has to offer, providing more work for them and peace of mind for you, the customer!

  • All prospective members are screened and told that they will be interviewed, vetted, and monitored via customer reviews, which will be made public. As you can imagine, this scares away contractors who are unable to complete a high standard of work.
  • Our members know that we provide an unbiased service to both them and you, the customer. They understand the procedures for handling negative comments and complaints.
  • To pass our vetting procedure we request:
    • Qualifications - Proof that the applicant is qualified to undertake their chosen profession.
    • Insurance - Proof that they hold valid and current Public Liability insurance.
    • Proof of address - Proof of the company's trading address in the form of a utility bill or credit check, depending on the type of company.
    • Identification - Valid photo identification (passport, driver's licence, etc.).
    • Referees - New members supply details of 5 of their previous customers, which we phone to verify their experience.
    • Code of Conduct and Ethics - Each new member to sign to agree to follow The CheckerTrader Code of Ethics.

  • You, the customer, are the best person to monitor our members through our review process.
  • Your feedback is essential to build CheckerTrader into a valuable resource, so we encourage you to complete our simple online review form once work is completed.
  • You can share your experience of the work completed and score the contractor out of ten across four different areas based on their quality and service.
  • If your review shows that you were satisfied with your experience, we will review and publish your feedback within 2-5 working days of receipt.
  • But, if you were disappointed by a CheckerTrader member, we want to help. You can find out more about our process for resolving issues.
  • We won't publish your personal details alongside your feedback. However, we do require you to fill in your contact details. We don't accept anonymous reviews to ensure fairness.
  • Each month we aim to spot check and verify over 40% of feedback received. We may call or email you to confirm the details you supply.

  • CheckerTrader cannot guarantee the quality of our members' work. Our members run independent businesses and are responsible for the work that they carry out.
  • We do guarantee that every CheckerTrader member has been recommended, vetted, and monitored.
  • We also guarantee to publish all feedback - both good and bad, providing that the customer has permitted us to contact the contractor about the complaint and ensure it's anonymous and in the absence of exceptional circumstances.
  • CheckerTrader is here to give you peace of mind. It is in the interest of our members to provide the best of their ability every time.

  • Our members know that unsatisfied customers mean low scores and negative feedback on their profile, so, fortunately, this doesn't happen often.
  • However, if you do have reason to complain about the work of one of our members, please submit Your Feedback or see how we can help with Resolving Issues
  • Our team processes every review, so if you're dissatisfied and permit us to contact the tradesperson, we will contact them.
  • We will provide them with the negative review and invite their response, offering them a chance to rectify the situation.
  • Issues are often caused by breakdowns in communication or unclear expectations and can be resolved simply.
  • Read more about Resolving Issues

Yes, absolutely. Any member that consistently fails to work or offer a service in line with the CheckerTrader Code of Ethics will be removed from our website. This is an infrequent occurrence as our stringent vetting process and simple review process put their reputation at stake, which is detrimental to the future of their business.

If you have a question that is not covered here please email CheckerTrader on info@checkerTrader.co.za.

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